Site Regression Biplot Analysis for Matching New Improved Lentil Genotypes into Target Environments

Document Type : Research Paper


The evaluation of the yield stability of genotypes and environment is of prime concern to plant breeders. Therefore, a comprehensive analysis of the structure of the GE interaction is needed. The objective of this investigation was to evaluate the use of sites regression (SREG) GGE methodology to stratify the pe × environment (GE) interaction in lentil. Yield data of 10 genotypes of lentil tested across 10 rain-fed environments during 2007 and 2008 growing seasons, using randomized complete block design with four replications, were analyzed. The location (L) explained 56 and 77% of the total (G + L + GL) variation for the first and second year, respectively. According to polygon view of biplot, Gonbad, Shirvan and Gachsaran with wining genotype G9, Ilam with wining genotype G5 and Kermanshah with wining genotype G8 were detected in the first year; and Gonbad and Ilam with wining genotype G5; Gachsaran with wining genotype G9; Kermanshah with wining genotype G2 and Shirvan with wining genotype G3 were detected in the second year. In the first year, genotypes G1 and G9 and in the second year genotypes G8 and G9 were the most favorable genotypes based on average tester coordinate biplot. Gachsaran location was more representative of the overall locations and more powerful to discriminate genotypes than the unfavorable ones. In conclusion, G9 (ILL6199) was found to be the most stable and higher yielding genotype which may be recommended for commercial release in semi-arid areas of Iran.


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